When & Where
Ministry Times:
Sunday Morning Worship Service: 10:15am
“Gather” fellowship time: Sundays- 9am
FUSION Night: Sundays Jr. & Sr High – 5:30-7:30p
Bread of Life:
2nd Tuesday of the month: 3:00-5:00pm
2nd Tuesday of the month: 3:00-5:00pm
Preschool: 3y/o – M/T from 8:15-10:45am
3y/o – M/T from Noon-2:30pm
4y/o – W/Th/F from 8:15-11:15am
4y/o = W/Th/F from 11:45-2:45pm
Valley Covenant is located at the heart of Stillman Valley, at the corner of Route 72 and S. Maple Street.
We are the church on the corner, just west of the Stillman Valley Monument and in front of the village water tower.
103. S. Maple St.
Stillman Valley, IL 61084